In Florida, 340B helps address a common need across diverse communities: access to affordable healthcare and medications. Melissa Allen Davis, 340B Program Coordinator at Florida Community Health Centers, sees the program benefits daily in her community.
At Florida Community Health Centers, letting patients know about 340B has made them more willing to engage in campaigns designed to reach state elected officials to preserve and “defend 340B.”
Florida Community Health Centers serve over 49,000 patients in six counties surrounding Lake Okeechobee, from Moore Haven to Port St. Lucie. Melissa Allen Davis says, “The needs of the patients are as unique as the communities. The need for access to affordable health care and medications is a common theme across the area.” Many have no idea about 340B and its effectiveness in providing comprehensive care services and medication to those who need it most.
“Patients need to be educated about 340B and its impact on their community. The fact that it is not taxpayer-funded would garner support in these communities where taxes crush many residents. Most people don’t know that 340B is responsible for the care they receive at their centers.”
– Melissa Allen Davis
Melissa has also experienced the benefits of 340B through her Aunt’s experience navigating healthcare without insurance. She shares, “My Aunt could not work after getting hurt on her job, so she had no insurance. She was referred to our health center and fell in love with her clinician. It was at our 340B Health Center that she found out that she had an 11cm tumor on her kidney.”
Before getting the care she needed at the Health Center, Melissa’s Aunt had visited the ER twice. It was only after her doctor at the Health Center reviewed the imaging from her hospital visits that Melissa’s Aunt learned she had a large tumor on her kidney. With the Health Center’s support, Melissa’s Aunt finally got health insurance when she was approved for Disability and Medicare.
Shortly before she died, the Health Center doctor who diagnosed her with a kidney tumor came to visit her in the hospital. Melissa added, “My aunt lit up when she saw her and told her to save a spot on her schedule so she could come in for an appointment when she got out of the hospital.” Unfortunately, she passed away a few days later, but the clinician was kind enough to come to the funeral to support the family. This is the kind of care that 340B allows Health Centers to provide, the kind that every person deserves.
Because of this experience, Melissa has dedicated herself and her Health Center to defending 340B. Two years ago, Melissa started a letter-writing campaign at her health center, encouraging patients and staff to sign letters asking elected representatives to support pro-340B legislation. This year, her health center collects anonymous cards from patients, asking how community health centers help with their health care, from helping them afford medication to helping them find insurance to helping them access the medical care they need. Many patients have participated in this campaign, writing in comments such as “They treat my children like their own” or “They help me get care for my autistic son.”
Melissa encourages patients who have not heard about 340B to ask someone at their health center. Once they are informed, they can call or email their elected officials. She believes that through education, we can all become advocates.
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