PRESS RELEASE – April 23, 2024
Damien Center, Indiana’s oldest and largest AIDS service organization, has partnered with CV340B to educate the Indiana community about the federal 340B program and its importance through CV340B’s Digital Engagement Campaign, Together with 340B. Launched earlier this month, the ads speak to the potential future impact on American Taxpayers of Pharma’s desire to restrict and shrink the 340B program, explain how 340B can help end HIV, and answer the question: What is 340B?
The first round of digital advertisements launched on March 8, and the campaign will run for eight weeks. The first four weeks achieved 767,720 impressions and 15,472 link clicks to Damien Center’s 340B landing page. The landing page includes an advocacy action where viewers can message their policymakers about the importance of 340B to their Indiana community. The total campaign will garner an estimated 1,350,000 impressions.
Alan Witchey, President and Chief Executive Officer of Damien Center, said, “We partnered with CV340B to tell the truth about the 340B program.” He emphasized, “340B is not a taxpayer-funded benefit as the drug industry would have you believe. The truth is that without 340B, taxpayers would be forced to pick up the tab for what the pharmaceutical industry no longer wants to provide – discounts to safety net providers on their often exorbitantly priced drugs.”
“CV340B is very excited to partner with Damien Center to educate the Indiana community about the real value of the 340B Program and the danger Drug Company actions pose to the taxpayer,” said Rhiannon Klein, CV340B’s National Director of Advocacy.
About Damien Center:
Since 1987, Damien Center has provided quality, equitable, and inclusive care for individuals stigmatized and marginalized by support services. The organization relies on the federal 340B drug discount program to provide equitable, high-quality patient care. Learn more about Damien Center.
Want to partner with CV340B to create your own ad? Find out more about the Together for 340B Campaign.