CV340B is proud to partner with AIDS Care Group, one of the largest and
most comprehensive fully dedicated HIV/AIDS service providers in
Southeastern Pennsylvania, in defending 340B, a program that ensures
AIDS Care Group and similar health service providers have the ability to
provide medical care, dental care, and social services to the uninsured
and underinsured.
With 340B, ending the HIV Epidemic IS possible!
The pharmaceutical industry has declared war on the 340B program.
Eighteen of the largest manufacturers are unlawfully and unilaterally restricting access to 340B pricing on drugs
dispensed by contract pharmacies, and that number is sure to grow.
Will you help #defend340B?
Pennsylvania in 2020:

What is 340B?

First established in 1992 through bipartisan legislation, the federal 340B drug discount program offers a lifeline to the neediest and most underserved patients in this nation.
The program operates on the simple principle of requiring pharmaceutical companies to provide drugs at a discounted price to certain types of safety net hospitals and clinics that, in turn, use their 340B savings to underwrite the cost of serving patients in their communities.
AIDS Care Group + CV340B

AIDS Care Group (ACG) is one of the largest and most comprehensive fully dedicated HIV/AIDS service providers in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The 340B program is essential for ACG, enabling this lifesaving organization to:
- See more patients. Prior to 340B, ACG provided 550 patients with HIV care. Today, with 340B, ACG serves nearly double the number of patients at 990.
- Provide more comprehensive services with more practitioners and lab staff including psychology, substance use, Hepatitis C care, specialty pharmacy services, outreach, expanded scope of dental practice, and expanded scope of medical practice.
- Provide direct emergency financial assistance to clients.
340B + Ryan White Clinics

A Ryan White Clinic is a federally funded HIV/AIDS clinic where HIV Care is provided through the Ryan White Care Act.
Grants come through local, state, and federal sources. Nearly 20% of all clients being served by a Ryan White Grantee have no health insurance. Another 30% are on Medicaid.
60% of all clients being served by a Ryan White Grantee are living at or below the federal poverty level.
Of the Ryan White clients who received HIV care, 89.4% reached viral suppression and are no longer able to pass on the virus.