Rural Hospitals Rely on 340B

Rural Hospitals Rely on the 340B Drug Pricing Program by Craig Thompson, Missouri Independent September 12, 2023 Republished from the Missouri Independent. Find original article HERE.  According to a recent report, roughly 35% of rural hospitals in Missouri are at risk of closing as a result of inadequate revenue and low financial reserves. This comes as…

340B Report: Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to ‘Defend 340B’ (Excerpt by Permission)

Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to ‘Defend 340B’ July 13, 2023 William Newton   Read the full article: Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to Defend 340B reprint excerpt. Excerpted by Permission of 340B Report. On a sunny, humid, 92-degree afternoon in Washington, D.C., over 50 safety- net…