Pharma wants to increase your taxes

Damien Center Partners with Community Voices for 340B on Educational Ad Campaign

PRESS RELEASE – April 23, 2024 Damien Center, Indiana’s oldest and largest AIDS service organization, has partnered with CV340B to educate the Indiana community about the federal 340B program and its importance through CV340B’s Digital Engagement Campaign, Together with 340B. Launched earlier this month, the ads speak to the potential future impact on American Taxpayers…

U.S. District Court of South Carolina Upholds Fundamental Patient Definition for 340B Covered Entities

In a recent decision, the US District Court of South Carolina reinforces the original intention of patient definition for 340B covered entities, advocating for a ‘broad’ interpretation. Emphasizing the program’s core mission, the ruling reinforces Congress’ initial intent—to safeguard vulnerable communities from skyrocketing drug costs. This reaffirmation solidifies the program’s commitment to ensuring vital access…

Diabetes patient takes insulin

How the 340B Program Transforms Access to Vital Diabetes Medications

A New Groundbreaking Study Reveals Real-Life Impact, Cost Savings, and Barriers Faced by Underserved Diabetes Patients in Safety-Net Clinics   The federal 340B Drug Pricing Program provides discounted drug prices to safety-net entities, enabling them to serve more vulnerable patients. This program has become indispensable with the escalating costs of medications, including high-cost injectable diabetes…

Let's stop HIV together

Five Horizons Health Services Provides HIV Prevention in West Alabama & East Mississippi with 340B

Five Horizons Health Services Provides HIV Prevention in West Alabama & East Mississippi with 340B The 340B Program allows the rural healthcare facility to provide high-quality, patient-centered medical, dental, prevention, behavioral health, testing, and case management services. by Shey Thorn, MPH, Chief of Staff, Five Horizons Health Services October 2023   Five Horizons Health Services…

History of the 340B Program

History of the 340B Program by Januari Fox, Director of Policy & Advocacy, Community Engagement, Prism Health North Texas Administration October 2022 Republished from the Dallas Medical Journal. Find the original article here.   A little-known program that establishes pathways of care for underserved communities is under attack by drug manufacturers. Created in 1992, the…

Rural Hospitals Rely on 340B

Rural Hospitals Rely on the 340B Drug Pricing Program by Craig Thompson, Missouri Independent September 12, 2023 Republished from the Missouri Independent. Find original article HERE.  According to a recent report, roughly 35% of rural hospitals in Missouri are at risk of closing as a result of inadequate revenue and low financial reserves. This comes as…

340B Report: Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to ‘Defend 340B’ (Excerpt by Permission)

Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to ‘Defend 340B’ July 13, 2023 William Newton   Read the full article: Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to Defend 340B reprint excerpt. Excerpted by Permission of 340B Report. On a sunny, humid, 92-degree afternoon in Washington, D.C., over 50 safety- net…